May 15, 2024

People break up with each other for all sorts of reasons and in all sorts of ways. You might want to break up because of the fact that you just don’t see yourself staying with your current partner for the long run. Alternatively, you might assume that the two of you will naturally part ways due to diverging career paths. Whether or not you want kids is also something that can play a pretty monumental role here, since you would never want to compromise on such vital aspects of your life.

Suffice it to say that you are not always going to be the driver’s seat during a breakup, and it is fairly likely that your girlfriend will end up being the one that wants to end the relationship. It can be tempting to immediately initiate your efforts for winning over an ex-girlfriend, but we would recommend that you avoid making any rash decisions in your present frame of mind due to the reason that there is no telling what the consequences might be. There is an appropriate period of waiting that you need to go through before you can text your ex again, and we are going to tell you what this time frame usually is.


Generally speaking, you shouldn’t text your ex for a bare minimum of one week. This will give both of you time to think things through. Jumping the gun and texting her sooner than this might cause you to say something you shouldn’t. Planning out what you are going to say is usually a lot better, and it can allow you to perfect your words down to a real science.