May 9, 2024

If a person is disabled and therefore unable to work, one has the right to apply for social security benefits with immediate termination. Many of those who applied for disability benefits faced difficulties and problems, usually because they did not know the length of the process and only later realized that it would be better if they applied immediately. Suppose an applicant is denied their initial claim. In that case, they should immediately consult with a social security attorney or non-attorney representative, representing and assisting in the claim for past benefits and ongoing.

Consultation with an attorney would be important as the disability system works.

The claimant’s application may be approved initially, or he may be forced to appeal and present the case to the judge. When this fails, it is a predictable phenomenon when considering social security disability claims. Statistics have shown that initial claims deviate sixty to seventy percent of the time, forcing claimants to request a confirmation hearing; in most cases, through a social security attorney.

Many disability claims will not be accepted at the initial claim or even at the reconsideration level. It is the case even when the claimant is represented by a disability attorney who is not an attorney or a social security attorney. It is always advisable for the claimant to accompany an attorney or disability attorney. However, the applicant should be aware that, even with representation, there is no guarantee that social security benefits will be awarded.

However, the attorney is confident that the case will develop properly before it is brought to the hearing. It has been established that most claimants do not adequately prepare a disability case before a hearing. A social security disability attorney comes to help the applicant apply the experience and knowledge in the social security regulations and rules and is, therefore, more likely to produce a positive result.

Several claimants chose to go to the claimant’s hearing without the need for an attorney, and while some went ahead to win the award, the chances are less than when it was presented. The claimant may even know that it may take longer than he thought to receive a disability hearing.

Some applicants who are successful without the help of a social security disability attorney or ineligible attorney may not have been able to receive benefits at the earliest opportunity. The claimant cannot receive significant wage arrears if he cannot obtain the most favorable pay start date. Attorneys also assist applicants in obtaining medical records and certificates from the applicant’s physician.


When a person is disabled and unable to work, a social security disability can save your and your family’s life. Utilizing the services of an experienced social security disability attorney early in the process will ensure that you have an opportunity to obtain the benefits to which you are entitled.